Jordan Rules

“I hate being out there with those garbagemen. They don’t get you the ball.”
我恨透了跟那些垃圾 他們根本投不進

“They’ve got no idea what it’s all about. The white guys, they work hard,
but they don’t have the talent. And the rest of them? Who knows what to expect?
They’re not good for much of anything.”
他們根本什麼都不知道 這些白人是很認真沒錯
但他們什麼都不會 至於其他人也不用太期待 也是一無是處

“He can’t do anything with the ball. Don’t give it to him.” – Michael
yelling at Paxson who passed the ball to Perdue
「別給他球 他什麼也不會」喬丹向傳給Perdue的Paxson大喊。

瀏覽次數: 5


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